Houston Chronicle – Dali: The Sculpture Collection

Dalí’s soft watch is both draped against and supported by the remains of a tree whose trunks sprout new life and whose roots entwine a stone. The terminology, “the crown of a watch” usually indicates a mechanical device which allows us to set the hands and wind the timepiece. Time, however, according to a Dalínian watch, is changeless and cannot be set, and the watch itself has no internal power or motion. Given this absence of movement, the crown in this case is interpreted by the artist as a royal crown which adorns the watch, identifies time’s mastery over human beings rather than its utility to him. His majesty is attended by two reoccurring, fantastical Dalínian symbols: a contemplative angel, and a woman draped in shawls look on. Time reigns supreme over both art and reality. Continue Reading →

Salvador Dali’s Rare Collection of Etchings, Tapestries & Watercolors Make Their Way to SD

Beginning Friday, July 25, Salvador Dali: The Argillet Collection will make its stop at Meyer Fine Art in Little Italy. The traveling collection will be on display and available for acquisition until September 6, and includes rare pieces curated by Madame Christine Argillet, the daughter of Pierre Argillet, Dali’s publisher and close confidante for more than 50 years. The summers Argillet spent with Dali and her father, as well as their close relationship is demonstrated through the carefully-selected etchings, tapestries and watercolors. Continue Reading →

Relevant Clients in the News

Reprinted From Relevant Communications Here are some recent articles about Relevant Clients: Salvador Dali LA.com :: http://www.la.com/arts/ci_24013098/salvador-dali-argillet-collection-at-gallery-319 Houston Chronicle :: http://www.houstonchronicle.com/entertainment/arts-theater/article/Connection-with-Dal-brought-richness-to-4837067.php#/0 FOX LA :: http://www.myfoxla.com/story/23728637/christine-argillet-salvador-dali-art-collection-on-display Austin.Culturemap :: http://austin.culturemap.com/news/arts/09-23-11-14-57-a-new-take-on-dali-christine-argillet-shares-her-story-at-the-russell-collection/ Newsblaze.com ::http://newsblaze.com/story/20131123052713ente.nb/topstory.html 002Mag.com Continue Reading →