Salvador Dali & Christine Argillet
I did wish to contact you regarding the opportunity for an exclusive interview with Ms. Christine Argillet, who will be appearing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro in support of an exhibition of the extraordinary collection DALI: THE ARGILLET COLLECTION this coming February, 2016. This is an extraordinary presentation; the Collection has toured in galleries across the globe, and presented in many US cities; among them Washington, D.C., Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Houston and San Diego.
<adame Argillet is both the Curator of this Dali Collection, as well as the daughter of the famed Pierre Argillet, Salvador Dali’s publisher and confidante for over fifty years. Her story is unparalled, and as compelling as any I have encountered in terms of artistic knowledge and family history with regard to Dadaism….the Surrealists..and the stories behind the artists who shaped these most important Art Movements.
The Argillet Collection is unequivocally the most authenticated collection of Dali’s work throughout his career. The Pierre Argillet Collection demonstrates high standards of quality and the works have appeared in the world’s most prestigious museums: Musee Boymans, Rotterdam; Musee Pushkin, Moscow; The Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida; Kunsthaus Zurich and Staatsgalarie, Stuttgart; Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo; Daimaru Art Museum, Osaka and Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan. The collection’s permanent home is at the Museum of Surrealism in Melun, France and the Dali Museum in Figueres, Spain.
Madame Argillet describes this exhibition as “A tribute to the work of my father, Pierre Argillet, as an extraordinary publisher of the Dada and Surrealist group. This collection reflects a constant endeavor and a close collaboration with the artists of these two movements, especially Salvador Dali. My goal is to have this collection presented in the finest museums and galleries in the world”.
I have included some photos for your initial review, among them personal photos of Christine and Dali through the years, as well as a photo of Madame Argillet. I have a wealth of high resolution images of the contents of the Collection and an exhibition catalogue as well, if you wish further images.
There is a very rare Collection of etchings entitled “Songs of Maldoror” 50 etchings by Dali, done between 1934 and 1973. Madame Argillet also has a project drawing for one of the etchings, which is a Museum piece. The Songs of Maldoror have only been exhibited once before, in a four-month exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), and this upcoming presentation in Houston will include the opportunity to see this rare collection and to acquire it as well.
Press Release
Milan Gallery of Fort Worth Presents:
Fort Worth’s Venerable Milan Gallery Presents the Art Event of the Season.
Collection on Exhibition & Available for Acquisition
February 20th through February 28th, 2016
Special Appearances by Madame Christine Argillet
“Dali devant tablo”
Dali foreground with Tapestry of Argus Argillet Museum France 1973 |
Salvador Dali & Pierre Argillet working
on the Venus in Furs project. Paris 1967
Salvador Dali – Mythologie |
Piano Under Snow
Surrealist Bullfight Salvador Dali |
Madame Christine Argillet to accompany rare and extraordinary collection of Salvador Dali’s and Pierre Argillet’s collaborative works of original etchings, Aubusson Tapestries & original watercolors.
Fort Worth, Texas: December 2015: Milan Gallery, Fort Worth’s most prestigious fine art gallery is proud to announce its presentation of Salvador Dali: The Argillet Collection. The collection is on exhibition and available for acquisition at the gallery beginning with Previews February 20th, 2016.
The exhibition is a rare opportunity to meet Madame Christine Argillet, daughter of Dali’s legendary publisher and confidante Pierre Argillet, during two scheduled special appearances by Madame Argillet for the public: Friday, February 26th from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm and Saturday, February 27th from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. All appearances are complimentary to the public, and RSVP’s are required.
Meet Madame Argillet
Friday, February 26th, 2016
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Previews Begin February 20th, 2016
WHERE: Milan Gallery
505 Houston Street
Sundance Square
Fort Worth, Texas
Rsvp: 817.338.4278 or
For additional information about this exhibition, contact the gallery via email: or
Salvador Dali’s publisher, Pierre Argillet (1910-2001) and Dali enjoyed a collaboration and a friendship that spanned five decades; and produced what art historians have termed “the finest bodies of the Master’s Art”. This collection made available by the Argillet Estate is…truly… A privilege and an opportunity for the collector to own a prominent piece of Dali’s legacy.
Pierre Argillet’s body of Dali’s etchings, original works and books appear in museums throughout the world, and have enjoyed a home at the Museum of Surrealism in Melun, France (Pierre Argillet’s former home “Chateau Vaux-le-Penil” and former museum) as well as in the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. The collection is also housed at the prestigious Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Together, Argillet & Dali created remarkable editions of original prints, lived the life of a committed “Surrealist” and developed images that are highly-valued and prized by collectors today.
This exhibition and collection opportunity offers works from Dali’s Suites, including Mythologie, Les Hippies, Goethe’s Faust, and the incomparable Poemes Secrets d’Apollinaire. Madame Argillet has also graciously included the rare titles, Etchings and Watercolors from 1934 to the late 1960’s.
Image: Christine Argillet and Dali 1970’s
Salvador Dali: The Argillet Collection
A Rare & Impassioned Collaboration between Artist and Publisher
Collection on Exhibition & Available for Acquisition February 20th through February 27th, 2016
It has often been said by those in the art world that: “Salvador Dali was the creative genius….and Pierre Argillet was the publishing genius”
Madame Christine Argillet, Los Angeles, CA – 2015